Jennifer Carroll Foy Strives To Become The First Black Woman Governor

If there's something great in the United States of America, a Black woman probably had a hand in it. From Simone Biles dominating the world of gymnastics to Michelle Obama revolutionizing the world of entertainment, Black women have always been at the forefront of making change. Unfortunately, there are still a few frontiers that Black women have been prevented from entering.

Politics still exist as a space that many Black women are prevented from entering. After more than 200 years, the nation finally elected its first Black female Vice President. However, Kamala Harris's upgrade to the White House exposed another gaping whole in the United States Senate. This issue does not stop at Capitol Hill. From state to state, there are positions that several Black women have been qualified to hold, but were never given the opportunity to serve in. In fact, no Black woman has ever served as governor of any state. Thankfully, Jennifer Carrol Foy is working to change that.

Jennifer Carrol Foy is striving to become the next governor in the state of Virginia. As a former delegate in Virginia, Foy knows her way around Richmond. Foy's personality, leadership skills and commitment to her home state have earned her endorsements from Rep. Lauren Underwood, Gloria Steinem, EMILY's List and former NAACP President Ben Jealous. If elected, Foy believes she can build a strong post-pandemic economy in Virginia and use her knowledge as a public defender to reform the state's criminal justice system.

"As Governor, I'll be laser-focused on tackling the pandemic and addressing the impact it will likely have on our Commonwealth for years to come. I'll bring diverse, high-paying jobs to every corner of the Commonwealth as we build a post-COVID economy," Foy told PATCH.

"While politicians of the past like Terry McAuliffe refused to repeal the death penalty, which disproportionately hurt Black, brown, and other marginalized communities, and gave passes to bad police, I'll fight as Governor to move Virginia forward and build on my work in the General Assembly, from addressing mass incarceration to making real investments in small, minority- and women-owned businesses."

Foy is currently embroiled in a heated Democratic Primary that features former Governor Terry McAuliffe, state Sen. Jennifer Mclellan, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax and state Del. Lee J. Carter. Voters will head to the polls on June 8 to determine who will represent the Democratic Party in the general election this November.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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